We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.
2 Corinthians 4:7
Something More
Devotion based on 2 Corinthians 4:7
See series: Devotions
In the 1930’s and ‘40’s, an actress by the name of Hedy Lamarr was one of the biggest movie stars in Hollywood. Many called her, “the most beautiful woman in the world.” People flocked into the theaters to see her movies. The profits from her films were in the millions. She was one of the reigning queens of the silver screen.
But as the years went by, her outward beauty faded. Her box office popularity declined, and many dismissed her as an aging remnant from a bygone era. In her closing years she lived quietly, rarely leaving her home. She died in the year 2000.
A recent documentary entitled, “Bombshell” reveals that Hedy Lamarr had much more than just a pretty face for moviegoers to see. She also possessed scientific, inventive genius. Unknown to almost anyone at the time, Hedy Lamarr, in the days of World War II, created and patented a radio frequency system to benefit the U.S. Navy. This system is the basis for the Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS technology that the world enjoys today.
People knew Hedy Lamarr for her physical beauty, even though she had much more to offer. For what do people know you? Perhaps some know you for what you do for a living. Perhaps others know you for your favorite hobby or a particular talent you have. Perhaps still others know you for your role as a parent or grandparent. And it’s likely that there are all kinds of people in your life who do not know you for anything specific at all.
Regardless whether people take note of us for anything, you and I have something to offer—something more significant than what we do for a living, how we look, or what abilities we have. Beyond all that, you and I possess the treasure of the gospel. You and I possess the extraordinary news that God has entered our world in the person of Jesus Christ, that he has washed away our every sinful failure through his death on the cross. You and I possess the history-changing message that, through faith in Jesus Christ, people receive forgiveness, peace, purpose, fulfillment, and life eternal in heaven.
What we have to offer outshines even the invention of Wi-Fi. Let’s share it.
Lord Jesus, thank you for the treasure of the gospel. Give me opportunities this week to share my treasure with others. Amen.

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