“Rejoice in the Lord always.” Philippians 4:4 |

March 1, 2020
Dear Alumni, Former Teachers & Principals, School Families, and Parish Members:
For 90 years, God has blessed St. John’s Ev. Lutheran School in Montello with the privilege of sharing Christian education with hundreds of students. It’s time to celebrate! This amazing milestone will be marked by a special 10 a.m. worship service at St. John’s, followed by an anniversary celebration meal, on Sunday, April 19. We invite you to attend and share in the events of this special day—a guest preacher, special music by the choir and present school children, history displays, and an anniversary meal and fellowship.
To help us with preparations, please make your reservation(s) for the meal. Email to: scsecretary@stjohnsmontello.org or call the church office at 608-297-2866 or send mail to St. John’s Ev. Lutheran School Anniversary, 313 East Montello Street, Montello, WI 53949.
The reservation deadline is Sunday, April 5.
Please bless us with your prayers for St. John’s Ev. Lutheran School’s 90th anniversary celebration and for our day school’s continuance as a light in our community. We hope you can attend!
James Wachholz, Chairman
90th Anniversary Committee