So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!
1 Corinthians 10:12
Standing on Unshakeable Ground
Devotion based on 1 Corinthians 10:12
See series: Devotions
The Passu Suspension Bridge is a walking bridge that traverses the Hunza River in Pakistan. It’s composed of hundreds of rickety boards spaced several feet apart, all hung together by a few meager ropes. Some have called it one of the most dangerous bridges in the world. Looking at images of it online, it’s easy to believe them.
But at least when folks are walking on the Passu Suspension Bridge, they know the danger. They know they’re on shaky ground (or more appropriately, shaky bridge), and they can at least take appropriate precautions. It’s far more dangerous to be on shaky ground and have no idea of the peril you’re in. That’s especially true of spiritual matters. That’s why the Bible warns, “If you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!”
The Old Testament Israelites had received blessing upon blessing from the benevolent hand of God. And they were pretty comfortable with being God’s special nation. So comfortable that they grew unappreciative, whiny, and disobedient.
What does it have to do with us? Having received so many gifts from God regularly, it can be easy for us to take them for granted—to think we’ve earned and deserved them. Taking credit for what God has done? That’s spiritually shaky ground. “Be careful that you don’t fall!” Paul tells us.
Does this mean we shouldn’t be confident about our faith, forgiveness, resurrection, or eternity? No, that’s not Paul’s point. We can remain fully confident with our eyes fixed on Jesus, trusting that God will keep the promises he’s made in his Word. Full forgiveness through faith in the Lamb of God. That is God’s unshakable promise. And “God is faithful,” the Bible says in the very next verse. It’s things like smugness, complacency, and ingratitude that focus our attention inward and away from God. Those are the things we pray that the Holy Spirit would help us watch out for, the things that he would help us to sweep mercilessly from our hearts today and every day.
Holy Spirit, lead me to focus my hope on the unshakeable promises of God. Help me to rely on you that I may remain standing firm till the end. Amen.

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