“…through the obedience of the one Man the many will be made righteous.”
Romans 5:19
The One for the Many
Devotion based on Romans 5:19
See series: Devotions
Al Capone is a household name in American history. Al Capone is the notorious mob leader who ruled the city of Chicago with an iron fist in the 1920’s.
But there’s another name we would do well to know. The name of this man is Frank Loesch. Here is his story. It was the height of Al Capone’s power. His violent reign over Chicago was so tough that local, state and federal authorities dared not to challenge him. Frank Loesch was an elderly man in his seventies. But Frank Loesch had had enough. So, he led an effort to find a way to bring down Al Capone.
The work took years—years of stress, years of death threats, years of constant danger to himself and his family. But finally, the day came. A court found Al Capone guilty of tax evasion. A judge sentenced him to prison. His bloody control was over. The 3 million citizens of Chicago were freed and no longer feared him, thanks to the determination of one brave man, a man by the name of Frank Loesch.
One man doing what had to be done to rescue the lives of many. It’s an extraordinary story. But even the story of Frank Loesch must fade in comparison to what Jesus Christ has done on our behalf.
You and I were under the rule of an iron fist. The iron fist was the curse of our own sin. Under that rule, our lives were fearful, empty, dark. But when Jesus came, he did what had to be done. On our behalf he served as our Champion. In our place he paid the price to set us free. The devil can claim us no more. The curse of our sin is gone. Instead we now possess forgiveness, and life, and light.
The One for the many. That’s Jesus. His victory is total. Because it is, we don’t have to be afraid anymore.
Lord Jesus, when the curse of sin ruled us with an iron fist, you came. You shattered sin’s grip and washed us clean. Keep us close to you. And thank you! Amen.
This devotion was selected from the Daily Devotion archive.

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