The Same Attitude as Jesus – December 9, 2022

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had.
Romans 15:5

The Same Attitude as Jesus

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Daily Devotion – December 9, 2022

Devotion based on Romans 15:5

See series: Devotions

During World War I, the fighting was fierce and deadly. But something amazing happened on the night of Christmas Eve 1914. Along parts of the battle line, an impromptu truce developed. British soldiers heard the Germans singing Christmas carols. Cautiously, the two sides emerged from their trenches. The next day they shared rations, exchanged gifts, and even played a soccer game. They shared peace and unity on Christmas.

While there are no widespread accounts of the same thing happening during World War II, there is a story recorded in Reader’s Digest of a young German boy, Fritz Vincken, and his mother living in the forest during the Battle of the Bulge. Three American soldiers arrived looking for shelter on Christmas Eve. A little later, four German soldiers arrived looking for the same. The German mother said no shooting on Christmas Eve. They all laid down their weapons. Before they ate a meal together, the mother said a common table prayer. The words may be familiar to you: “Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest…”

What is it about Christmas that causes even soldiers to put down their weapons? On the battlefield there is no tinsel or twinkling lights. No loudspeakers blaring cheesy holiday music. On the battlefield, there is the constant reminder of death.

But Christmas is all about God’s plan to conquer death and its cause, namely, our sin. The baby Jesus would grow to be a Savior who viewed each of us as lost sinners in desperate need of someone to take care of our sin problem. That’s why Jesus came, to deal with our sin and win for us eternal life. Thank God that Jesus viewed each of us with such love!

Until Jesus comes again, we pray for that same mindset towards our fellow human beings. They are sinners that Jesus loved and died for, just like us. We have the opportunity to serve them and point them to their Savior. That’s a mindset not just for Christmas; but all the time.

Dear Jesus, help me to love the people you died for, and thank you for dying for me. Amen.

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