The Spirit Unites Us With God – June 8, 2022

‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. . . . And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’
Acts 2:17,21

The Spirit Unites Us With God

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Daily Devotion – June 8, 2022

Devotion based on Acts 2:17,21

See series: Devotions

“Daddy? Mommy? Help me!” The little girl calls out frantically. She was downstairs playing by herself when she tripped. It hurts. She feels all alone. For a moment, she doesn’t know where her parents are. Can they hear her? Will they come to help her? The cries intensify.

But as soon as he heard his daughter cry for help, Daddy leaped up from his desk and ran downstairs to help his daughter. All she needed was to be picked up, comforted, and to know that she was not alone as she rested in the arms of her father.

“Lord, help me!” We are down here, and God is in heaven. We trip and stumble. We experience something that hurts or something that terrifies us. At times, we may feel all alone. For a moment, we may wonder, “Can God hear me? Will he come to help me?” The cries intensify.

But before you ever cried out to the Lord, he has come to help you. First, he sent his Son to rescue you from the punishment of sin. By his dying and rising from the dead, Jesus has saved you eternally. Because of Jesus, you can call the God who made you “Father,” and he listens.

God also sent his Spirit, the Comforter. God is not far away. He’s closer than we might often realize. He sends his Spirit to dwell in you and in the heart of every believer. The Spirit unites us with the triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We are not left hanging in this life wondering if God still listens, cares, and will help us. He has come to help and comfort.

The Lord will come again to rescue you one last time from this world of troubles. Until then, he has given you his Spirit to comfort and assure you that you are not alone—you rest in the tender love and care of your God and your Father!

Come, Holy Spirt, and comfort me when I am hurt, strengthen me when I am week, and keep me in your tender care. Amen.

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