“When the Son of Man comes in his glory and the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.”
Matthew 25:31-33
The Time Will Come
Devotion based on Matthew 25:31-33
See series: Devotions
“God will have to take me just the way I am.” George sincerely believed he was good enough for heaven just the way he was. When his friend Bob tried to gently correct his friend’s lack of understanding, George became even more set in his beliefs. Although Bob tried to get George to listen to what the Scriptures had to say, George only became more adamant. In the end all Bob could say was, the time will come when things will be different.
What Bob tried to get his friend to understand is the very lesson Jesus taught his disciples. It is a lesson I need to hear, learn, and believe. The time will come when Jesus will return to the earth. At his return he will separate the sheep from the goats, namely the believers from the unbelievers. What I need to understand is I have to be ready when that time comes.
There is only one way for me to be ready. It is through faith in Jesus as my Savior. As I prepare to stand before him on the day of judgment, I need to be perfect—completely free from every spot, stain and blemish of sin. By myself this is impossible. However, through faith in Jesus I am declared perfect. His sinless life becomes my sinless life. His innocent death becomes my innocent death. His victory over the devil becomes my victory.
This is why I cling to Jesus’ precious work with the strength he provides. It is only through him I am declared one of his sheep. It is also only through him I am called to his right hand and eternal life.
O blessed Jesus, the time will come when you will return in glory. Give me the faith I need to trust in your precious work. Give me the strength I need to stand firm until you come again. Amen.
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