This is what the Lord has commanded us: “I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 13:47
To the Ends of the Earth
Devotion based on Acts 13:47
See series: Devotions
Coca-Cola is one of the most recognizable companies in the entire world and for good reason. Last year they spent almost 4 billion dollars, nearly 12% of all the money they earned, on advertising. As a result, more than 90% of the world’s population has seen the Coca-Cola logo. In the 200 countries where it is sold, the average person consumes a coke product every four days.
While that is impressive, it is nowhere close to what Jesus has done and continues to do. Without a huge budget and promotional expertise, Jesus has brought salvation to the ends of the earth.
Jesus lived a perfect life obeying all of God’s commands. Whether you are in America, Africa, or Asia, or anywhere else, God gave you the righteousness of Jesus who perfectly loved God with all his heart, soul, and mind, and loved his neighbor as himself.
He died an innocent death paying for the sin of the whole world. More valuable than any dollar amount, Jesus’ blood was poured out on Calvary’s hill. It was only with this greatest cost that all the sins of the world were taken away.
In the vital mater of our salvation, it’s not a trendy slogan or recognizable logo that are memorable. It’s the outstanding truth that Jesus defeated our greatest enemy for us. He rose from the grave, justifying us before God and defeating death. With his grave forever empty Jesus left the world the greatest gift: a tomb that would stay forever empty.
All of this our Savior did for the whole world that he might bring salvation to the ends of the earth. Jesus is the light of salvation for all people. We see evidence of this today because there are Christians in every corner of the world and the gospel is preached in every country. May this gospel find a place in our hearts and may we share it even to the ends of the earth.
Jesus, you are the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Give to each of us your peace of salvation. Amen.

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