His mother treasured all these things in her heart.
Luke 2:51
Treasure the Story of Salvation
Devotion based on Luke 2:51
See series: Devotions
“I’ll google it.”
“Just a minute, let me look that up on Wikipedia.”
“Siri, what is the weather forecast for tomorrow?”
So much information is at our fingertips! We can learn a multitude of new facts every day. But how much of this is worth treasuring?
Luke tells us that Mary treasured events that unfolded in the life of Jesus. First, she treasured the shepherds’ visit to the manger as they made known what the angels had told them. Now, twelve years later, she treasures the words and actions of her growing son.
Mary and Joseph, with twelve-year-old Jesus, had been in Jerusalem for the Passover. When Mary and Joseph set out to return to Nazareth, they thought Jesus was somewhere in the group. But after traveling for a day, he was nowhere to be found. After three days, they found him at the temple, listening to the religious teachers and asking them questions. Jesus explains his actions by answering his parents, “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49). Jesus was busy carrying out the work his heavenly Father had sent him to do.
We can become so familiar with these events that we pass over them quickly, failing to treasure them in our hearts. These are so much more than random facts on the Internet. Here is the true story of your salvation. Cherish it as a treasure of unlimited value and beauty. Ponder it as a treasure that can never be fully explored. Guard it as a treasure worth holding on to at all costs.
What a treasure to cherish, ponder, and guard!
Lord Jesus, help me treasure in my heart all that you have done for me. Amen.
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