The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Proverbs 9:10
True Wisdom
Devotion based on Proverbs 9:10
See series: Devotions
It is interesting that Japan has a very high suicide rate and Haiti has a very low rate. It doesn’t seem to make sense. One would think that Japan, a very prosperous and modern country, would have few people who would want to end their lives. And one would think that Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the world, would have plenty of people who would want to escape such poverty and suffering. It doesn’t seem to add up. Why is this so?
There are many questions like that. Why is there so much crime? Why is there still so much war? Why do people in a world full of food, die of starvation?
Solomon, a man specially gifted with wisdom from God, says that answers can be found in true wisdom.
What is wisdom? Some say it is what you know by experience. Others say it is knowing how to use what you know—common sense. Solomon’s definition is the best. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Knowing God and understanding him is the basis for all true wisdom. How can I understand the world if I don’t understand the One who created it? How can I understand the meaning of life if I don’t understand the Giver of all life? How can I understand why I am here without first understanding the One who put me here?
God has revealed himself to us through his Word written in the Bible. As we hear, study, and learn his Word, we come to know him better and find true wisdom for our lives. In his Word, we find the good news that God sent Jesus to solve our greatest problem, our sin. In his Word, we will find the wisdom we need to live in this often-confusing world.
Lord, teach me to fear and know you so that my life will be filled with wisdom. Amen.

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