Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17
Ways We Can Thank God
Devotion based on Colossians 3:17
See series: Devotions
“Mom, I’m so happy you asked me to do the dishes today! Thanks so much!”
“Dad! You really mean it? I get to mow the lawn today? Sweet!”
“I can’t believe it, honey! I was hoping you’d say it was my turn to go and pick up all the messes the dog left in the yard this week. What a chance to serve God!”
I’m guessing you haven’t heard those kinds of statements in your household lately. Instead, we all tend to grumble, whine, and complain when presented with opportunities to serve God by serving others. We selfishly think that someone else should do whatever task we are presented with. We fail to see that, in reality, each of our daily tasks at work, home, and school is a chance to serve our God. As we look back at the end of the day, how many times did we begrudgingly do something that our Lord had prepared in advance for us to do? Even one time is more than sinful enough to fall under God’s eternal judgment.
Thankfully, Jesus never missed a chance to glorify God. He was always looking to do whatever his Father in heaven had prepared for him that day. Sometimes that meant healing and helping. Other times it meant preaching and teaching. Still other times it meant patiently working with someone one-on-one. There was even the time when he washed his disciples’ feet! Jesus’ entire life was one of doing everything he could for the glory of God. His death was that way too. God had asked him to suffer and die for sins that he did not commit. And he did it. He did it all without grumbling or complaining. He did it because he loved us. He did it because he wanted to glorify his Father in heaven. He did it, so we could be forgiven and saved from eternal condemnation.
There are so many ways that we can thank God for all that he has done for us in Jesus. Most of them are found right in our daily routines! Maybe it is doing the dishes for mom with a smile on your face and love in your heart for the Savior. Maybe it is mowing the lawn because dad asked you to and that is a great way to show gratitude to God. Maybe it is even picking up the dog’s messes in the backyard because it is a way to show God how thankful you are for the blessings he has given to your family. Ways to glorify God are all around you and the good news is, God has built many of them into your schedule for today!
Dear Father in heaven, forgive me for the times when I have grumbled at opportunities to serve you. Thank you for your love that you have shown me in Christ Jesus. Help me to see all the ways I can glorify you each day. Amen.

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