Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
2 Corinthians 4:16
Devotion based on 2 Corinthians 4:16
See series: Devotions
Here’s a list you may or may not want to read. It’s an official list of signs you are growing older.
According to British researchers in the April 16 edition of Express magazine, the signs, on average, begin at age 41.
Ready? Here we go.
Number 21 on the list of signs that you are growing older: You do not know the names of any modern bands. Number 18: Having colleagues who don’t know what a cassette tape is. Number 12: Falling asleep in front of the TV.
Number 11: Choosing clothes and shoes for comfort instead of style. Number 9: Finding it hard to sit cross-legged on the floor. Number 7 is finding strange hairs growing out of your ears. Number 6 is misplacing your car keys.
Number 5 on the list of signs you are growing older: Not knowing any songs in the Top 10. Number 4 is giving out an involuntary groan when you bend down. Number 3 is talking about your ailments with others.
And according to researchers, the number 1 sign that you are growing older? Forgetting names.
We can smile at this list. In fact, we should. But as we do, there is also the quiet acknowledgement that, with each passing year, our bodies age. This reality is simply part of living in a world broken by sin—your sin and mine.
But here’s the good news. In Jesus, we are young. Through faith in his life and death and resurrection on our behalf, our inner self is being renewed day by day. As we bask in his full and complete forgiveness, all things are fresh and clean and new. There is purpose in our life. There is meaning. There is a vibrancy that no anti-aging product can ever produce. There is a spring in our step as we walk with our Savior, who is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).
And as for these bodies of ours that keep getting older? When Jesus returns, even they will be young again. Better than ever. For all eternity.
Lord Jesus, on those days when my body feels its age, remind me that even the aging of my body is temporary. Remind me that in you, all things are new. Forever. Amen.

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